For enrolment enquiries 1300 441 441 |
Enquiries 1300 441 441

Sparrow Early Learning
Childcare Centres Victoria Point.

About Sparrow Early Learning Centre Victoria Point

Sparrow Early Learning Victoria Point is situated in bayside Brisbane among many local schools within walking distance of the centre.

We have 5 indoor learning studios within the service that caters for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years with our occupancy being 75 children per day. Read more.

Our Toddler and Babies studios offer unique, tranquil sleep rooms with our Toddler studio providing individual sleigh beds and our Babies studio equipped with timber cots and mattresses for a comfortable and peaceful rest period. Our senior playground boasts a large outdoor play space for the children to explore, imagine and develop whilst building on their sense of belonging and agency. In our Junior playground, we have a spacious shaded outdoor space for the younger age groups to explore safely whilst engaging in positive relationships.

Here at Sparrow Early Learning Victoria Point, we pride ourselves on our great relationships with our families and community, and we welcome their contributions in all areas of learning, including service decisions. We like to work with our families as co-educators and we greatly value their input as we believe that families are the first teachers of their children.

We are passionate about our community involvement and making a positive difference to demonstrate the change we want to see in the world.

Our service has a loving, warm environment where children can feel safe, secure and supported during their time with us. We acknowledge each child is unique and let all children learn and develop at their own pace.

All of our Educators are qualified and passionate about Early Childhood Education and Care. They aim to provide the best quality care in all areas of the National Quality Standards and work alongside the children as co-learners to achieve learning and developmental outcomes for all children through child-led, play-based learning. We are passionate about Early Education and the positive impact it has on the children we care for. We collaborate with families to provide all children with the foundations for life-long learning so they can become the best they can be.

Alongside our team, we have a qualified Early Childhood Teacher who delivers a government approved Kindergarten Program to our kindergarten age children. Our goal is to ensure our kindergarten children are best prepared to transition to prep through social and emotional development through community connections with local schools and introducing a school readiness program to guide the children towards their next learning journey.

Service details

118 Link Rd,
Victoria Point QLD 4165
Ph. 07 3820 7253
Monday to Friday
6.30am to 6.30pm

What makes our childcare service in Victoria Point unique?

  • Full Service – nappies, wipes & sunscreen provided
  • Nutritionally balanced meals with international diversity
  • Flexible child led educational programs
  • Great outdoor spaces with ample shade
    Read more
  • Kindy program led by degree qualified Early Childhood Teacher using the QLD Government Kindergarten Guideline
  • Swimming and gymnastics lessons at the local YMCA
  • Gymnastics lessons
  • Grasshopper soccer session incursions
  • Hairdresser & Dental service visits
  • Under twos pram adventures
  • Meeting National Quality Standards
  • Regular StoryPark updates of children’s learning
Studio 1
6 weeks – 15 months
Studio 2
15 months – 2 years
Studio 3
2 - 3 years old
Studio 4
3 - 4 years old
Studio 5
4 - 5 years old


Service Manager at our Childcare Centre, Victoria Point

I believe that it does take a village to raise and guide young children to be long life learners and prepare them for the future. I have been a part of that village for over 20 years now and it is the most rewarding profession.  Read more.

As a service manager there are so many moments of the day that I look forward to. Sharing in learning with the children, receiving those spontaneous hugs, high fives and smiles from our friends and observing the strong relationships that we have built with each of them.
I thrive on collaborative interaction with our educators and families about children’s development, sharing new ideas and knowledge, and mentoring and guiding practices for high quality care and education. I believe that building strong relationships with families and working in unison is how we can get the best outcomes for each child, as you are the children’s primary carers.

Children are so unique and have so much to teach us if we give them the time and be present with them and allow them to be present in their play, give them opportunities to explore their environments and express their creativity. Play is the highest form of education and I believe that our role as educators is to engage in play with our children – supporting and fostering all domains of their development. This is when the best unintentional teaching happens.

As educators we believe in trusting children to be confident in their abilities and encourage risks within play. Our indoor/outdoor environments are engaging and play an important role as the third teacher using provocations and invitations to learning.

We look forward to meeting you and embarking on an early learning journey with your family. We hope Sparrow Early Learning Victoria Point can be your home away from home.

Child Development - Sparrow Early Learning Centre

The Sparrow Way.

The Sparrow Way combines proven international early learning methods to create a unique practice designed for today’s society. Guided by the principles of Reggio Emilia and underpinned by The Early Years Framework for Australia, we embrace children’s inherent abilities to learn and develop, creating an environment for them to find solutions through exploration, discovery and invention.

Learn more

Enrolment process

Our childcare centre in Victoria Point promotes an open-door policy where families can visit and walk through the centre at any time during operational hours.

Once families have completed a tour, they will receive an enrolment pack with all necessary paperwork.

Once enrolled, the orientation process begins. The orientation process is an arrangement made between families and staff that supports the family’s needs.

Accessing the Childcare Subsidy

We understand that access to the Government Childcare Subsidy is an important consideration when choosing a childcare centre. Learn more about eligibility, how to access the subsidy and how Sparrow works with your family to ensure a smooth transition into early learning childcare.

Happy families at Sparrow Early Learning Centre Victoria Point

Book your tour today

Book a tour to learn more about what makes each Sparrow Early Learning centre unique.