For enrolment enquiries 1300 441 441 |
Enquiries 1300 441 441

Sparrow Early Learning Childcare Centres Ormeau Hills.

About Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills

At Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills, we believe that the first five years of a child’s life are a time of amazing learning and growth.  The role of our centre is to work alongside families – taking the time to learn what makes your child special, understanding your child’s cultural background, and listening to what you want from the early education and care experience.

As family members, you play the central role in your child’s learning journey.  Your involvement in our centre activities and in the development of our programs is always encouraged.

Read more.

At Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills, we aspire to create an environment that provides enjoyable and creative learning. We achieve this through activities designed to support your child in all areas of growth. Our educators provide a holistic, play-based curriculum with a strong emphasis on nature and outdoor learning experiences.

We recognise that you are entrusting us with the care and education of your child.  Every child is special, and we thank you for allowing us the privilege of investing into their lives during their early years.

​We welcome you and your family to our service and invite you to join us for a play and an opportunity to explore Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills.

Service details

1 Landsdowne Drive,
Ormeau Hills QLD, 4208
Ph. 07  5549 3222
Monday to Friday
6.30am to 6.30pm

What makes our childcare service in Ormeau Hills unique?

  • Nutritionally balanced meals provided
  • Nappies & wipes provided
  • Incursions & local community excursions
  • Sunscreen provided
  • Before & after school care
  • Vacation care
  • Yoga and sports
  • Bush Kindy
  • Swimming lessons
  • Pram kindy
  • Transition to school program
  • Twice yearly dental health checks and developmental health checks and referrals
  • Fully accredited, Government-funded Kindergarten Program
  • Highly qualified & experienced educators
  • Weekly/ monthly photos & updates on your child’s activities & development milestones
  • Meeting National Quality Standards
Studio 1
6 weeks - 2 years
Studio 2
6 weeks - 2 years
Studio 3
1.5 years - 2.5 years
Studio 4
2 - 3 years
Studio 5
2 - 3 years
Studio 6
3 years - 4 years
Studio 7
4 years - 5 years
Studio 8
5 years - 12 years

Daniella & Stacey

Service Managers at Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills

Daniella and Stacey, with a combined 43 years of experience in the Early Education and Care industry, bring passion and joy to their work each day at Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills. Read more.

Over their careers, they have deepened their understanding of the critical role early childhood education plays in shaping a child’s future. The first five years of a child’s life are the foundation for their future growth and development. We believe these early foundations are essential for success in various life aspects, including education, relationships, and overall well-being.

Educators bear a significant responsibility in the care and education of children. With a deep passion for Early Years Pedagogy and strong community engagement, we feel inspired and honored to be part of our young learners’ journeys. We are grateful every day for the opportunity to do what we love and to work alongside dedicated and passionate educators in our community.

Our qualifications & experience:

  • Bachelor of Teaching / Advanced Diploma in Community Sector Management
  • Associate Diploma of Social Science Child Studies / Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
Child Development - Sparrow Early Learning Centre

The Sparrow Way.

The Sparrow Way combines proven international early learning methods to create a unique practice designed for today’s society. Guided by the principles of Reggio Emilia and underpinned by The Early Years Framework for Australia, we embrace children’s inherent abilities to learn and develop, creating an environment for them to find solutions through exploration, discovery and invention.

Learn more

Enrolment process

Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills promotes an open-door policy where families can visit and walk through the centre at any time during operational hours.

Once families have completed a tour, they will receive an enrolment pack with all necessary paperwork.

Once enrolled, the orientation process begins. The orientation process is an arrangement made between families and staff that supports the family’s needs.

Accessing the Childcare Subsidy

We understand that access to the Government Childcare Subsidy is an important consideration when choosing a childcare centre. Learn more about eligibility, how to access the subsidy and how Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills works with your family to ensure a smooth transition into early learning childcare.

Happy families at Sparrow Early Learning Ormeau Hills.

Book your tour today

Book a tour to learn more about what makes each Sparrow Early Learning centre unique.