For enrolment enquiries 1300 441 441 |
Enquiries 1300 441 441

Sparrow Early Learning
Childcare Centres Morley.

About Sparrow Early Learning Morley

At Sparrow Early Learning Morley, we are passionate educators and caregivers who provide your children with the best possible educational start in life. We believe all children are unique and we cater to meet their individual needs. Read more.

Throughout our childcare centre, there is a purpose to the design, programs and spaces used. Areas have been created to promote children’s research and autonomous discovery and cater to both individual exercises and interactions within small groups. They also offer opportunities for privacy and quiet experiences, ensuring that children receive ample rest and relaxation. We use each space imaginatively and with careful consideration by having a very limited use of commercial toys and by promoting the use of open-ended resources. We nurture a sense of respect for the environment and teach children to live, learn and behave in a sustainable, calm and loving manner.

We believe that learning is fun and aim to provide a large range of activities that cater to your child. As educators, we are passionate in providing the materials, the environment and the educational support that will enable each child to both consolidate and develop further skills. We encourage confidence in children to learn and express their thoughts and ideas through various cues like body language, art, drama, music, and dance.

Your family is important to us, so we listen to your ideas and suggestions. Family involvement and participation is highly encouraged and fostered at Sparrow Early Learning Morley. We believe in surrounding your child with love, care and happiness in a safe and nurturing environment.

We employ the very best Educators at Sparrow Early Learning Morley. Our Educators hold qualifications from Certificate III and Diploma in Children’s Services through to BA level Early Childhood Qualifications as well as speaking many languages. Our Educators are professional practitioners and observe closely, listen to children carefully and give value to their ideas and then create strategies to build on their interests.

Our team warmly welcomes your enquiries and looks forward to sharing your child’s early learning journey with you.

Service details

10 Cherry Court,
Morley, WA 6062
Ph. 08 9279 1173
Monday to Friday
6.30am to 6.30pm

What makes our childcare service in Morley unique?

  • Nutritionally balanced meals provided
  • Highly qualified & experienced educators
  • Sustainability Program with a Bush Tucker Vegetable Garden
  • Tinkering Learning Spaces including Woodworking
  • Accessible from the new Morley bus port
  • Intergenerational Program
  • Wellbeing program for children
  • Meeting National Quality Standards
Studio 1
6 weeks - 2 years old
Studio 2
2 - 3 years old
Studio 3
3 years old - full time school aged


Service Manager at our Childcare Centre, Morley

Hi my name is Karen I hold a Diploma of Children’s Services and I have worked in the Early Learning industry for over 20 years, 14 of which I have spent here at the Morley Service. I have an amazing 12 year old boy who grew up within our service and still loves to come and visit some of his old educators.  Read more.

Working with children has always been a great passion of mine and I believe that with nurture, care and dedication children will have the opportunity to grow into the leaders of the future. Over my 14 years here at Morley it has been an absolute pleasure to educate and watch the development of some of the children grow from Babies all the way through to high school. It has been extremely rewarding being a part of their journey through the early years. The first five years of children’s development is so important and something I am passionate about, I believe it is our role as educators to foster and assist in developing children’s interests, strengths, curiosity, imagination and understanding of the world around them while celebrating all the children’s wonderful firsts and the little moments and milestones as they grow.

At Sparrow Morley our team is built of passionate, enthusiastic, dedicated and loving educators who strive to create a supportive, safe and secure environment for all of our children, families and community as a whole. I am very proud of the dedication, love, and commitment that our Educators put into practice every day with our children and families, and I feel really privileged to work alongside them and   to mentor them into being the best versions of themselves.

I welcome your feedback, sharing of ideas and encourage your involvement for continual improvements within the Service. I am dedicated on focusing on meeting the needs of our families, the greater community.

The team and I here at Sparrow Morley look forward to meeting you and your beautiful family.

I am passionate about leading a team of caring, dedicated and professional educators in creating a safe, secure and welcoming environment that supports the learning of our future leaders.

Our team here at Sparrow Early Learning Morley look forward to welcoming you and working alongside you in your child’s early learning journey.

My qualifications & experience:
• Diploma of Children’s Services – Early Childhood Education and Care
• Over 16 years of experience in Early Childhood Education and Care

Child Development - Sparrow Early Learning Centre

The Sparrow Way.

The Sparrow Way combines proven international early learning methods to create a unique practice designed for today’s society. Guided by the principles of Reggio Emilia and underpinned by The Early Years Framework for Australia, we embrace children’s inherent abilities to learn and develop, creating an environment for them to find solutions through exploration, discovery and invention.

Learn more

Enrolment process

Our childcare centre in Morley promotes an open-door policy where families can visit and walk through the centre at any time during operational hours.

Once families have completed a tour, they will receive an enrolment pack with all necessary paperwork.

Once enrolled, the orientation process begins. The orientation process is an arrangement made between families and staff that supports the family’s needs.

Accessing the Childcare Subsidy

We understand that access to the Government Childcare Subsidy is an important consideration when choosing a childcare centre. Learn more about eligibility, how to access the subsidy and how Sparrow works with your family to ensure a smooth transition into early learning childcare.

Happy families at Sparrow Early Learning Centre Morley

Book your tour today

Book a tour to learn more about what makes each Sparrow Early Learning centre unique.