Sparrow procures a wide variety of goods and services from a diverse supplier base ranging from sole traders to ASX 100 listed companies. We use suppliers who not only provide quality products, superior service and value for money but who recognise the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.
As a responsible corporate citizen Sparrow places great importance upon our ESG standards and we expect that our suppliers do the same. This code of conduct outlines our expectations toward our suppliers. When engaging a new supplier we will active seek and favour suppliers who respect and adopt positive ESG principles.
1. Workplace Health & Safety
Sparrow is committed to promoting a culture of health and safety awareness and practice that ensures risks in the workplace are identified, addressed and eliminated or controlled. This includes extensive policies and procedures, training, and standards relating to operating equipment to support this goal and ensure that, as a minimum, we are compliant with all laws and regulations.
Suppliers are expected to:
- Comply with all health and safety laws and regulations
- Take proactive measures to prevent workplace risks
- Provide appropriate training to workers to perform their jobs safely.
2. Environment
Sparrow is proactive in measuring and reducing its environmental impact so our communities remain an enjoyable place to live for current and future generations.
Suppliers are expected to:
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
- Maximise the use of raw materials, energy and other natural resources to minimise waste and emissions
- Make efforts to reduce pollution and adverse environmental impact.
3. Employment Practices
Sparrow is committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees and providing a positive work environment free from unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment.
Suppliers are expected to:
- Comply with all relevant laws and regulations in relation to employment practices
- Ensure that employee’s remuneration levels are at least equal to those required under the Fair Work Act and applicable awards
- Promote a zero tolerance to unlawful discrimination, bullying and harassment
- Not use forced, bonded, involuntary or child labour.
4. Business Integrity
Sparrow is committed to conducting business in an open and accountable way, acknowledging the importance that our business plays in the community.
Suppliers are expected to:
- Comply with all local laws and regulations applicable to its business activities
- Adopt a zero tolerance approach to bribery, fraud, extortion, money laundering and corruption
- Not to engage in any form of illegal or immoral business
- Not to offer any gifts or preferential terms to any Sparrow employee for the purposes of influencing a decision.