For enrolment enquiries 1300 441 441 |
Enquiries 1300 441 441

Sparrow Early Learning
Childcare Centres Browns Plains.

About Sparrow Early Learning Browns Plains

Our centre has five rooms in the heart of Browns Plains. We are positioned in Village Square Town Centre which is close to all amenities, including bus and taxi access.

We are within walking distance from the Grand Plaza Shopping Centre. Read more.

We are a supportive Service where all children are individuals with their own needs, personalities and traits.

We educate children through play, using each opportunity to extend on their skills and knowledge.

Service details

18 Commerce Dr,
Browns Plains QLD 4118
Ph. 07 3809 4371
Monday to Friday
6.30am to 6.30pm

What makes our childcare service in Browns Plains unique?

  • Nutritionally balanced meals with international diversity
  • Nappies, wipes, hats & sunscreen provided
  • Flexible child led educational program
  • Large natural outdoor spaces with large verandahs and shade
  • Kindy program led by degree qualified Early Childhood Teacher using the QLD Government Kindergarten Guidelines
  • Highly qualified, culturally diverse & experienced educators
  • Bi-weekly photos & updates on your child’s experiences through Storypark
  • Close to Public Transport
  • Close to Queensland Tafe
  • Incursions
  • Close to Grand Plaza shopping complex
Studio 1
6 weeks - 15 months
Studio 2
15 months - 2 years
Studio 3
2 - 3 years
Studio 4
3 - 4 years
Studio 5
4 - 5 years


Service Manager at Sparrow Early Learning Browns Plains

“I enjoy the rewards I get for teaching and love seeing children thrive. I have worked with all ages and have loved forming relationships with them and making them a part of my Sparrow family.” Read more.

I have a small family and two grandchildren of my own. I love being a mum and grandmother. I have always had a passion for the education and care of children, young and old.

I am very family focused and as a part of my everyday work, I like to ensure that families feel respected and accepted in my Service. I love our little community and hope you feel the same sense of family connections we do.

Our team here at Sparrow Early Learning Browns Plains would love to meet you and hope to see you soon.

My qualifications & experience:

  •  Over 25 years of experience in early education & childcare
Child Development - Sparrow Early Learning Centre

The Sparrow Way.

The Sparrow Way combines proven international early learning methods to create a unique practice designed for today’s society. Guided by the principles of Reggio Emilia and underpinned by The Early Years Framework for Australia, we embrace children’s inherent abilities to learn and develop, creating an environment for them to find solutions through exploration, discovery and invention.

Learn more

Enrolment process

Our childcare centre in Browns Plains promotes an open-door policy where families can visit and walk through the centre at any time during operational hours.

Once families have completed a tour, they will receive an enrolment pack with all necessary paperwork.

Once enrolled, the orientation process begins. The orientation process is an arrangement made between families and staff that supports the family’s needs.

Accessing the Childcare Subsidy

We understand that access to the Government Childcare Subsidy is an important consideration when choosing a childcare centre. Learn more about eligibility, how to access the subsidy and how Sparrow works with your family to ensure a smooth transition into early learning childcare.

Happy families at Sparrow Early Learning Browns Plains

Book your tour today

Book a tour to learn more about what makes each Sparrow Early Learning centre unique.